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179. Kriegler, M., Herrero, S. & Fischer, R. (2025) Where to grow and where to go. Fungal Genet Genom, submitted.

178. Kriegler, M., Wernet, V., Hetzer, B., Herrero, S., Wei, A., Wäckerle, J., Dewein, I. & Fischer, R. (2025) Cell-end marker proteins are required for hyphal ring formation and size determination of traps of Arthrobotrys flagrans. J. Cell Sci., in revision.



177. Maldonado, G., García, A., Herrero, S., Castano, I., Altmann, M., Fischer, R. & Hernández G. (2024) The gene YEF3 function encoding translation elongation factor eEF3 is partially conserved across fungi. Front Microbiol., 15:1438900

176. Kourkoulou, A., Martzoukou, O., Fischer, R. & Amillis, S. (2024) A type II phosphatidylinositol-4 kinase coordinates sorting of cargo polarising by endocytic recycling. Commun. Biol., 7(1):855.

175. Emser, J., Wernet, N., Hetzer, B., Wohlmann, E. & Fischer, R. (2024) The cysteine-rich virulence factor NipA of Arthrobotrys flagrans interferes with cuticle integrity of Caenorhabditis elegans. Nat. Commun., 15:5795. pdf.

174. Schuhmacher, L., Heck, S., Pitz, M., Mathey, E., Lamparter, T., Blumhofer, A., Leister, K. & Fischer, R. (2024) The LOV-domain blue-light receptor LreA of the fungus Alternaria alternata binds FAD or FMN as chromophore and acts as light and temperature sensor. J. Biol. Chem., 300(5):107238. Pdf.

173. Hu, X., Hoffmann, D., Wang, M., Schuhmacher, L., Stroe, M., Schreckenberger, B., Elstner, M. & Fischer, R. (2024) GprC of the nematode-trapping fungus Arthrobotrys flagrans activates mitochondria and reprograms fungal cells for nematode hunting. Nat. Microbiol., 9(7):1752-1763. Pdf.

172. Sun, T., Li, Y., Li, J., Gao, J., Zhang, J., Fischer, R., Shen, Q. & Yu, Z. (2024) Red and far-red light improve the antagonistic ability of Trichoderma guizhouense against phytopathogenic fungi by promoting phytochrome-dependent aerial hyphal growth. PLoS Genet., 20(5):e1011282. Pdf. 

171. Pop, M., Klemke, A.L., Seidler, L., Wernet, N., Steudel P.L., Baust, V., Wohlmann, E. & Fischer, R. (2024) Caenorhabditis elegans neuropeptide NLP-27 enhances neurodegeneration and controls paralysis in an opioid manner during infection with the fungus Arthrobotrys flagrans. iScience, 27(4):109484Pdf.

170. Espino-Vázquez, A.N., Ramírez Cota, R., Callejas-Negrete, O.A., Fischer, R. & Mouriño-Pérez, R.R. (2024) Protein Interactors of Spindle Pole Body (SPB) components and septal proteins in the fungus Neurospora crassa: A mass spectrometry-based dataset. Data in Brief, 52:109980

169. Stroe, M., Gao, J., Pitz, M. & Fischer, R. (2024) Complexity of fungal polyketide biosynthesis and function. Mol. Microbiol., 121:18-25. (Review) 



168. Wernet, V., Kriegler, M., Kumpost, V., Mikut, R., Hilbert, L. & Fischer R. (2023) Synchronization of oscillatory growth prepares fungal hyphae for fusion. eLife, 12:e83310. 

167. Menzner, J., Klemke, A.-L., Kriegler, M. & Fischer, R. (2023) Nicht ganz so friedlich: Räuberische Pilze mit Potenzial zur Schädlingsbekämpfung. Biol. Uns. Zeit, 53:32-39.

166. Wernet, V. & Fischer, R. (2023) Establishment of Arthrobotrys flagrans as biocontrol agent against the root pathogenic nematode Xiphinema index. Env. Microbiol. 25:283-293. 



165. Ramírez-Cota, R., Espino-Vazquez, A.N., Rodriguez-Vega, T.C., Macias-Díaz, R.E., Callejas-Negrete, O.A., Freitag, M., Fischer, R., Roberson, R.W. & Mouriño-Pérez, R.R. (2022) The cytoplasmic microtubule array in Neurospora crassa depends on microtubule-organizing centers at spindle pole bodies and microtubule +end-depending pseudo-MTOCs at septa. Fungal Genet. Biol., 162:103729 

164. Gao, J., Wenderoth, M., Doppler, M., Schuhmacher, R., Marko, D. & Fischer, R. (2022) The fungal melanin biosynthesis pathway as source for fungal toxins. mBio, 13(3):e0021922

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162. Hammadeh, H.H., Serrano, A., Wernet, V., Stomberg, N., Hellmeier, D., Weichert, M., Brandt, U., Sieg, B., Kanofsky, K., Hehl, R., Fischer, R. & Fleißner, A. (2022). A dialog-like cell communication mechanism is conserved in filamentous ascomycete fungi and mediates interspecies interactions. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., 119(12):e2112518119

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160. Wernet, V., Wäckerle, J. & Fischer, R. (2022) The STRIPAK component SipC is involved in morphology and cell-fate determination in the nematode-trapping fungus Duddingtonia flagrans. Genetics, 220(1):iyab153. pdf



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156. Yu, Z., Streng, C., Seibeld, R., Igbalajobi, O.A., Leister, K., Ingelfinger, J. & Fischer R. (2021) Genome-wide analyses of light-regulated genes in Aspergillus nidulans reveals a complex interplay between different phtotoreceptors and novel photoreceptor functions. PLoS Genet., 17(10): e1009845. pdf

155. Yu, X., Hu, X., Pop, M., Kirschhöfer, F., Brenner-Weiß, G., Keller, J., Bunzel, M. & Fischer R. (2021) Fatal attraction of Caenorhabditis elegans to predatory fungi through 6-methyl salicylic acid. Nat. Commun., 12:5462. pdf

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153. Streng, C., Hartmann, J., Leister, K., Krauß, N., Lamparter, T., Frankenberg-Dinkel, N., Weth, F., Bastmeyer, M., Yu, Z. & Fischer, R. (2021) Fungal phytochrome chromophore biosynthesis at mitochondria. EMBO J., 40:e108083. pdf

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151. Gao, X., Herrero, S., Wernet, V., Erhardt, S., Valerius, O., Braus, H.G. & Fischer, R. (2021) The role of Aspergillus nidulans polo-like kinase PlkA in microtubule-organizing center control. J. Cell Sci., 134: JCS256537. pdf

150. Dümig, M., Binder, J., Gaculenko, A., Daul, F., Winandy, L., Hasenberg, M., Gunzer, M., Fischer, R., Künzler, M. & Krappmann, S. (2021) The infectious propagules of Aspergillus fumigatus are coated with antimicrobial peptides. Cell. Microbiol., 23:e13301. pdf

149. Yu, Z., Gao, J., Igbalajobi, O.A.,  Skoneczny, M., Sienko, M., Maciejewska, A.M.,  Brzywczy, J. & Fischer, R. (2021) The sulfur metabolism regulator MetR is a global regulator controlling phytochrome-dependent light responses in Aspergillus nidulans. Sci. Bulletin 66(6):592-602pdf

148. Gao, X., Fischer, R. & Takeshita, N. (2021) Application of PALM super resolution microscopy to the analysis of microtubule-organizing centers (MTOCs) in Aspergillus nidulans. Meth. Mol. Biol. 2329:277-289. pdf



147. Igbalajobi, O.A.,  Gao, J. & Fischer, R. (2020) The HOG pathway plays different roles in conidia and hyphae during virulence of Alternaria alternata. Mol Plant Micr Interact. 33(12): 1405-1410pdf

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145. Yu, Z., Hübner, J., Herrero, S., Gourain, V. & Fischer, R. (2020) On the role of the global regulator RlcA in red-light sensing in Aspergillus nidulans. Fungal Biol., 124(5):447-457pdf

see also: Rangel et al. (2020) The third International Symposium on Fungal Stress - ISFUS. meeting report. Fungal Biol., pdf



144. Gao, X., Schmid, M., Zhang, Y., Fukuda, S., Takeshita, N. & Fischer, R. (2019) The spindle pole body of Aspergillus nidulans is asymmetrical and contains changing numbers of γ-tubulin. J. Cell Sci.,132, 234799pdf

Highlighted by the editors.

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143. Brysch-Herzberg, M., Wohlmann, E. & Fischer, R. (2019) Zygosaccharomyces seidelii sp. nov. a new yeast species from the Maldives, and a revisit of the single-strain species debate. Ant. Leeuwenh., 113:427-436. pdf

142. Brysch-Herzberg, M., Tobias, A., Seidel, M., Wittman, R., Fischer, R., Wohlmann, E., Dlauchy, D., Gabor, P. (2019) Schizosaccharomyces osmophilus sp. nov., an osmophilic fission yeast occurring in bee bread of different solitary bee species. FEMS Yeast Res., 19(4):foz038.

141. Fischer, R. (2019) Aspergillus nidulans als Modellsystem für filamentöse Pilze. p. 93-114. in Ed. Nick, P., Fischer, R., Gradl, D., Gutmann, M., Kämper, J., Lamparter, T. & Riemann, M., Modellorganismen, Springer Spektrum, Berlin.pdf

140. Igbalajobi, O., Yu, Z. & Fischer, R. (2019) Red- and blue-light sensing in the plant pathogen Alternaria alternata depends on phytochrome and the white-collar protein LreA. mBio, 10(2) e00371-19. pdf

139. Xue, P., Kurdi, A.E., Kohler, A., Ma, H., Kaeser, G., Ali, A., Fischer, R., Krauß, N. & Lamparter, T. (2019) Evidence for weak interaction between two phytochromes Agp1 and Agp2 from Agrobacterium fabrum. FEBS Lett., 593(9):926-941.  pdf

138. Yu, Z., Ali, A., Igbalajobi, O.A., Streng, C., Leister, K., Krauß, N., Lamparter, T. & Fischer, R. (2019) Phytochrome as temperature sensor in Aspergillus nidulans. Mol. Microbiol.112: 1814-1830pdf

137. Winandy, L., Schlebusch, O. & Fischer, R. (2019) Fungal hydrophobins render stones impermeable for water but keep them permeable for vapor. Sci. Rep., 9(1):6264.  pdf

136.  Wenderoth M., Garganese F., Schmidt-Heydt M., Soukup S.T., Ippolito A., Sanzani S. M. & Fischer, R. (2019) Alternariol as virulence and colonization factor of Alternaria alternata during plant infection. Mol. Microbiol. 112(1) 131-146. pdf

135. Youssar, L., Wernet, V., Hensel, N., Yu, X., Hildebrand, H.-G., Schreckenberger, B., Hetzer, B. & Fischer, R. (2019). Intercellular communication is required for trap formation in the nematode-trapping fungus Duddingtonia flagrans. PLoS Genet., 15(3):e1008029. pdf

134. Yu, Z. & Fischer, R. (2019) Light sensing and responses in fungi. Nat. Rev. Microbiol., 17(1):25-36.   pdf

133. Takeshita, N. & Fischer, R. (2018) The cytoskeleton and cell-end markers during polarized growth of filamentous fungi. In The Mycota. Biology of the Fungal Cell, VIII. Ed. Karl Esser. Vol. Editor: Dirk Hoffmeister and Markus Gressler. Springer Nature Switzerland. The Mycota, Vol. VIII, 43-63.  pdf



132. Winandy, L., Hilpert, F., Schlebusch, O. & Fischer, R. (2018) Comparative analysis of surface coating properties of five hydrophobins from Aspergillus nidulans and Trichoderma reesei. Sci. Rep., 8:12033. pdf

131. Riquelme, M., Aguirre, J., Bartnicki-Garcia, S., Braus, G.H., Feldbrügge, M., Fleigg, U., Hansberg, W., Herrera-Estrella, A., Kämper, J., Kück, U., Mouriño Pérez, R., Takeshita, N. & Fischer, R. (2018) Fungal morphogenesis: From the polarized growth of hyphae to complex reproduction and infection structures. Microbiol. Mol. Biol. Rev., 82(2): e00068-17. pdf 

130. Zhou, L, Evangelinos, M., Wernet, V., Eckert, A.F., Ishitsuka, Y., Fischer, R., Nienhaus, G.U. & Takeshita, N. (2018) Super-resolution and pulse-chase imaging reveal the role of vesicle transport in polar growth of fungal cells. Sci. Adv., 4, e1701798. pdf



129. Fischer, R. & Riquelme, M. (2017) Mycology: Unraveling the riddle of the filamentous fungi. ResearchFeatures, 109:18-21. pdf

128. Takeshita, N., Evangelinos, M., Zhou, L., Somera-Fajardo, R.A., Lu, L., Takaya, N., Nienhaus, G.U. & Fischer, R. (2017) Pulses of Ca2+ coordinate actin assembly and exocytosis for stepwise cell extension. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., 114:5701-5706 pdf

127. Wenderoth, M., Pinecker, C., Voß, B. & Fischer, R. (2017) Establishment of CRISPR/Cas9 in Alternaria alternata. Fungal Genet. Biol., 101:55-60. pdf

126. Zhang, Y., Gao, X. Manck, R. Schmid, M., Osmani, A.H., Osmani, S.A., Takeshita, N. & Fischer, R. (2017) Microbutule-organizing centers of Aspergillus nidulans are anchored at septa by a disordered protein. Mol. Microbiol., 106(2): 285-303. pdf

125. Jiang, P., Wei, W., Zhong, G., Zhou, X., Qiao, W., Fischer, R., Lu, L. (2017) The function of the three phosphoribosyl-pyrophosphate synthetase (prs) genes in hyphal growth and conidiation in Aspergillus nidulans. Microbiology, 163(2): 218-232. pdf

124. Röhrig, J., Yu, Zhenzhong, Chae, K.-S., Kim, J.-H., Han, K.-H. & Fischer, R. (2017) The Aspergillus nidulans Velvet-interacting protein, VipA, regulates light-dependent heme biosynthesis. Mol. Microbiol., 105(6): 825-838. pdf

123. de Vries, R.P., et al. (2017) Comparative genomics reveals high biological diversity and specific adaptations in the industrially and medically important fungal genus Aspergillus. Genome Biol., 18:28.  pdf



122. Fokina, O., Fenchel, A., Winandy, L. & Fischer, R. (2016) Immobilizaton of LccC laccase from Aspergillus nidulans on hard surfaces using fungal hydrophobins. Appl. Environ. Microbiol., 82(21): 6395-6402. pdf

121. Fokina, O., Eipper, J., Kerzenmacher, S. & Fischer, R. (2016) Characterization of secreted laccases of Pleurotus sajor-caju and their application at a biofuel cell cathode. Biores. Technol., 218: 455-462. pdf

120. Fischer, R., Aguirre, J., Herrera-Estrella, A. & Corrochano, L.M. (2016) The complexity of fungal vision. in The Fungal Kingdom, Eds. Heitman, J., Howlett, B., Crous, P., Stukenbrock, E., James, T. & Gow, N., ASM Press., doi:10.1128/microbiolspec.FUNK-0020-2016.  pdf

119. Dempwolff, F., Schmidt, F.K., Hervás, A.B., Stroh, A., Rösch, T., Riese, C.N., Dersch, S., Heimerl, T., Cavalcanti de Lucena, D., Hülsbusch, N., Stürmer, C.A.O., Takeshita, N., Fischer, R., Eckhardt, B. & Graumann, P.L. (2016) Super resolution fluorescence microscopy and tracking of bacterial flotillin (reggie) paralogs provide evidence for defined-sized protein microdomains within the bacterial membrane but absence of clusters containing detergent-resistant proteins. PLoS Genetics, 1006116, pdf

118. Yu, Z., Armant, O. & Fischer, R. (2016) Fungi use the SakA/HogA pathway for phytochrome-dependent light signaling. Nature Microbiol., 2016, 1: 16019.   pdf 

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117. Zhang, Y., Teichert, I., Kück, U. & Fischer, R. (2016) Laser capture microdissection to identify septum-associated proteins in Aspergillus nidulans. Mycologia, 108(3): 528-532. pdf

116. Rauscher, S., Pacher, S., Kniemeyer, O. & Fischer, R. (2016) A phosphorylation code of the Aspergillus nidulans global regulator VelvetA (VeA) determines specific functions. Mol. Microbiol., 99:909-924. pdf



115. Hedtke, M., Rauscher, S., Röhrig ,J., Rodriguez, J., Yu, Z., & Fischer, R. (2015) Light-dependent gene activation in Aspergillus nidulans is strictly dependent on phytochrome and involves the interplay of phytochrome and white-collar-regulated histone H3 acetylation. Mol. Microbiol., 97:733-745. pdf

114. Ishitsuka, Y., Savage, N., Li, Y., Bergs, A., Kohler, D., Donnelly, R., Nienhaus, U., Fischer, R. & Takeshita, N. (2015) Super-resolution microscopy reveals a dynamic picture of cell polarity maintenance during directional growth. Science Advances, 1:e1500947. pdf suppl. Material pdf

113. Manck, R., Ishitsuka, Y., Herrero de Vega, S., Takeshita, N., Nienhaus, U.G. & Fischer, R. (2015) Genetic evidence for a microtubule-capture mechanism during polar growth of Aspergillus nidulans. J. Cell Sci., 128: 3569-3582.  pdf

112. Takeshita, N., Wernet, V., Tsuizaki, M., Grün, N., Hoshi, H., Ohta, A., Fischer, R. & Horiuchi, H. (2015) Transportation of Aspergillus nidulans class III and V chitin synthases to the hyphal tips depends on conventional kinesin. PLoS One10(5):e0125937pdf  

111. Sánchez-León, E., Bowman, B., Seidel, C., Fischer, R., Novick, P. & Riquelme, M. (2015) The Rab GTPase YPT-1 associates with Golgi cistern and Spitzenkörper micro vesicles in Neurospora crassa. Mol. Microbiol., 95(3):472-490pdf

110. Baumann, S., Grün, N., Takeshita, N., Fischer, R. & Feldbrügge, M. (2015) Live cell imaging of endosomal trafficking in fungi. Meth. Mol. Biol., 1270:347-363. pdf

109. Fokina, O., Eipper, J., Winandy, L., Kerzenmacher, S. & Fischer, R. (2015) Improving the performance of a biofuel cell cathode with laccase from Pycnoporus sanguineus. Biores. Technol., 175, 445-453pdf



108. Requena, N. & Fischer, R. (2014) Braking walls for living in harmony. (insight article) eLife., 3pdf

107. Pöhlmann, J., Risse, C., Seidel, C., Pohlmann, T., Jakopec, V., Walla, E., Ramrath, P., Takeshita, N., Feldbrügge, M., Fischer, R. & Fleig, U. (2014) The Vip1 inositol polyphosphate kinase family regulates polarized growth and modulates the microtubule cytoskeleton in fungi. PLoS Genet., 10(9):e1004586pdf

106. Herr, A. & Fischer, R. (2014) Improvement of Aspergillus nidulans penicillin production by targeting AcvA to peroxisomes. Metab. Eng., 25:131-139. pdf

105. Fischer, R. (2014) Promiscuity breeds diversity: The role of polyketide synthase in natural product biosynthesis. Chem. Biol., 21:701-702 (preview). pdf

104. Herrero de Vega, S., Takeshita, N. & Fischer, R. (2014) The F-box protein RcyA controls the turnover of the kinesin-7 motor KipA in Aspergillus nidulans. Eukaryot. Cell, 13:1085-1094. pdf

103. Takeshita, N., Manck, R., Grün, N., Herrero de Vega, S. & Fischer, R. (2014) Interdependence of the actin and the microtubule cytoskeleton during fungal growth. Curr. Opin. Microbiol., 20:34-41.pdf

102Grünbacher, A., Throm, T., Seidel, C., Gutt, B., Röhrig, J., Strunk, T., Vincze, P., Walheim, S., Schimmel, T., Wenzel, W. & Fischer, R. (2014) Six hydrophobins are involved in hydrophobin rodlet formation in Aspergillus nidulans and contribute to hydrophobicity of the spore surface. PLoS One, 9(4):e94546. pdf

101. Fetzner, R., Seither, K., Wenderoth, M., Herr, A. & Fischer, R. (2014) The Alternaria alternata transcription factor CmrA controls melanization and spore development. Microbiology, 160: 1845-1854. pdf

100Pruß, S., Fetzner, R., Seither, K., Herr, A., Pfeiffer, E., Metzler, M., Lawrence, C.B. & Fischer, R. (2014) On the role of the blue-light receptor WC-1 (LreA) in Alternaria alternata in spore formation and secondary metabolism. Appl. Environ. Microbiol., 80(8): 2582-2591pdf



99. Takeshita, N., Mania, D., Herrero de Vega, S., Ishitsuka, Y., Nienhaus, G.U., Podolski, M., Howard, J. & Fischer, R. (2013) The cell end marker TeaA and the microtubule polymerase AlpA contribute to mirotubule guidance at the hyphal tip cortex of Aspergillus nidulans for polarity maintenance. J Cell Sci, 126:5400-5411.  pdf

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96. Röhrig, J., Kastner, C. & Fischer, R. (2013) Light inhibits spore germination through phytochrome in Aspergillus nidulans. Curr. Genet., 59:55-62. pdf

95. Garzia, A., Etxebeste, O.,  Rodríguez-Romero, J.,  Fischer, R., Espeso, E.A. and Ugalde, U. (2013)  Transcriptional changes in the transition from vegetative cells to asexual development in the model fungus Aspergillus nidulans. Eukaryot. Cell, 12(2):311-321. pdf

94. Kempf, C., Bathe, F. & Fischer, R. (2013) Evidence that two pcl-like cyclins control Cdk9 activity during cell differentiation in Aspergillus nidulans asexual development. Eukaryot. Cell, 12(1):23-36. pdf



93. Saha, D., Fetzner, R., Burkhardt, B., Podlech, J., Metzler, M., Dang, H., Lawrence, C. & Fischer, R. (2012) Identification of a polyketide synthase required for alternariol (AOH) and alternariol-9-methyl ether (AME) formation in Alternaria alternata. PLoS One, 7(7):e40564.pdf

92. Fischer, R., Kämper, J. & Nick, P. & Requena, N. (2012) Molekulare Mykologie am Karlsruher Institiut für Technologie (KIT). Andrias (Staatl. Museum fuer Naturkunde, Karlsruhe), 19:13-21.

91. Manck, R. & Fischer, R. (2012) Mikroskopie jenseits der Auflösungsgrenze. Biologie in Unserer Zeit, 42(4):244-253.pdf

90. Seidel, C., Zekert, N. & Fischer, R. (2012) The tail of the kinesin-3 motor, UncA, is necessary and sufficient to confer specificity for modified microtubules in Aspergillus nidulans. PLoS One, 7:e30976pdf

89. Takeshita, N., Diallinas, G. & Fischer, R. (2012) The role of flotillin FloA and stomatin StoA in the maintenance of apical sterol-rich membrane domains (SRDs) and polarity in the filamentous fungus Aspergillus nidulans. Mol. Microbiol., 83(6):1136-1152. pdf

88. Fischer, R. & Rodriguez-Romero, J. (2012) Flavin und lineare Tetrapyrrole als Lichtsensoren in Pilzen. Biospektrum, 1.12:19-21. pdf

87. Boef, S., Throm, T., Strunk, T., Hoffmann, M., Seebach, E., Mühlberg, L., T. Gotterbarm, Gutt, B.,  Wenzel, W., Fischer, R. & Richter, W. (2012) Engineering of the hydrophobin DewA to generate surfaces enhancing the adhesion of human cells but not of bacteria. Acta Biomat., 8(3):1037-1047. pdf



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29. Geissenhöner, A., Sievers, N., Brock, M. & Fischer, R. (2001) Aspergillus nidulans DigA, a potential homologue of Saccharomyces cerevisiae Pep3(Vps18)(vacuolar protein sorting), is required for nuclear migration, mitochondrial morphology and polarized growth. Mol. Genet. Genomics, 266, 672-685.

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