Curriculum Vitae

Prof. Dr. Reinhard Fischer (born 24.03.1962)
Diplom (Microbiology), University of Marburg, 1987
Ph.D. (Dr. rer. nat.) (Microbiology), University of Marburg, 1990
Postdoc (Microbiology), University of Marburg, 1991
Postdoc (Genetics), University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia, USA, 1992-1993
Research Associate at the Department of Microbiology of the Philipps-University of Marburg and at the Department of Biochemistry of the MPI Marburg, 1994-2004
Habilitation (Microbiology and Cell Biology), University of Marburg, 1998
Professor for Microbiology at the University of Karlsruhe, since 10/2004

DFG panel member 2012-2020.

Editorial boards: in the past: FEMS Microbiological Letter, Eukaryotic Cell, Fungal Genetics and Biology. currently: Molecular Microbiology, Molecular Genetics and Genomics, MBio, mSphere. 

Funding: DFG, Landesstiftung Baden Württemberg, Fonds of the Chemical Industry, Humboldt Society, BMBF.

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology - KIT
Institute for Applied Bioscience
Department of Microbiology

Fritz-Haber-Weg 4
Geb. 30.43
D-76131 Karlsruhe

Phone: 49-721-608-44630
Secretary: 49-721-608-44632
Mobile: 49-152-0160-1108
e-mail: reinhard.fischer∂

Research Area
Please visit our webpage here.

Selected Publications (complete list)

Hu, X., Hoffmann, D., Wang, M., Elstner, M. & Fischer, R. (2023) A dual-function G-protein coupled receptor activates mitochondria and reprograms fungal cells to form adhesive traps for nematode hunting. Nat. Microbiol., in revision.

Wernet, V., Kriegler, M., Kumpost, V., Mikut, R., Hilbert, L. & Fischer R. (2023) Synchronization of oscillatory growth prepares fungal hyphae for fusion. eLife, 12:e83310.

Hammadeh, H.H., Serrano, A., Wernet, V., Stomberg, N., Hellmeier, D., Weichert, M., Brandt, U., Sieg, B., Kanofsky, K., Hehl, R., Fischer, R. & Fleißner, A. (2022). A dialog-like cell communication mechanism is conserved in filamentous ascomycete fungi and mediates interspecies interactions. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., 119(12):e2112518119.

Wernet, N., Wernet, V. & Fischer, R. (2021) The small-secreted cysteine-rich protein CyrA is a virulence factor participating in the attck of Caenorhabditis elegans by Duddingtonia flagransPLoS Pathog., 17(11):e1010028.

Yu, X., Hu, X., Pop, M., Kirschhöfer, F., Brenner-Weiß, G., Keller, J., Bunzel, M. & Fischer R. (2021) Fatal attraction of Caenorhabditis elegans to predatory fungi through 6-methyl salicylic acid. Nat. Commun., 12:5462.

Streng, C., Hartmann, J., Leister, K., Krauß, N., Lamparter, T., Frankenberg-Dinkel, N., Weth, F., Bastmeyer, M., Yu, Z. & Fischer, R. (2021) Fungal phytochrome chromophore biosynthesis at mitochondria. EMBO J., 40:e108083.

Yu, Z. & Fischer, R. (2019) Light sensing and responses in fungi. Nat. Rev. Microbiol., 17(1):25-36.

Takeshita, N., Evangelinos, M., Zhou, L., Somera-Fajardo, R.A., Lu, L., Takaya, N., Nienhaus, G.U. & Fischer, R. (2017) Pulses of Ca2+ coordinate actin assembly and exocytosis for stepwise cell extension. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., 114:5701-5706.

Yu, Z., Armant, O. & Fischer, R. (2016) Fungi use the SakA/HogA pathway for phytochrome-dependent light signaling. Nature Microbiol., 2016, 1: 16019.